E-Learning Cloud Bootcamp

We have put together a comprehensive, on-demand E-Learning Cloud Bootcamp that provides a thorough enablement and training to be able to create and manage custom solutions in censhare Cloud instances. Sign up, and hit the ground running with censhare Cloud.

Announcing censhare Cloud

Online & On-Demand

Team discounts

Ideal for Partners

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Comprehensive Training

The censhare E-Learning Cloud Bootcamp comes with around 8 hours of content, interactive quizzes, practical exercises, and live sessions with our experts. Here is what we cover:

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Introduction to Node-RED
  • Advanced Node-RED flows
  • Knative Functions
  • Configuration Management
  • Observability Tools
  • Virtual Workshop

About censhare Cloud

censhare Cloud is powered by all the features and functionalities of censhare Classic, enhanced with increased scalability and a completely new developer and admin experience. You can now achieve your business goals in much less time.

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